Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Passion for Fashion?

As many of you know (wait... are there even many of you who read this? whatever), I have never been interested in fashion. I normally throw on jeans and a t-shirt, and only try to put together something cute if I have an extra 10 minutes in my day. I buy basics and I only know if something is the latest trend because I don't understand anyone's motivation for wearing it (examples: ponchos, really really long cardigans, gladiator sandals). I love Project Runway and I see how the big labels can create art on the runway. "The Devil Wears Prada" was a great movie. But that's about where it stops...

...stopped, I mean. Then, I came to Paris, and I stuck out like a sore thumb. My Juicy jackets, the pride and joy of my second-hand shop finds, were completely unacceptable. My colorful wardrobe made Parisians automatically speak to me in English. Something had to change... and something was changing. I was noticing a growing lust-- not love, LUST-- for beautiful, incredible, precious clothing in Gallerie Lafayette, Au Printemps, and lots of cute boutiques scattered around Paris. Needing to educate myself about my new awareness of 'what looks good', I did some fashion research, and luckily for me, I didn't have to work very hard. Lo and behold, my research involved showing up outside of giant tents, watching gorgeous, well-dressed people walk and get their pictures taken, and receiving free fashion magazines. Yes, you guessed it, I stalked Paris Fashion Week. It was just like showing up to a movie premiere in LA, except you get free fashion mags and you're not forced to stand behind a railing far from the stars. I could've hopped into a picture with the latest French model, if I wanted to, but of course I'm not that crazy. Maybe in the spring... ;)

Here is a short video compilation of Fashion Week stalking (from early October. I'm really behind on everything). It's not much, but it was fun for me:

Point is: I'm gaining a greater sense of what is going on in the fashion world, at least in Paris. (Purple is the IT color--yay! Long sweaters/cardigans are in, as well as oil-slick black leggings and 70s prints, for example).

Although, really, I should've realized that here, being chic is actually very simple: black is always the new black. And if you want to be a little original chic, throw some gray in there too. Who knew it was so easy?

1 comment:

Aylin said...

okay...you probably don't know me, and i don't mean to seem like a stalker, but I've just stumbled upon your blog. Inci is one of my dearest friends, so I hope that makes this more acceptable...and not creepy? haha :)

alors..I studied in Paris for four months last year (and have been in withdrawls/depression about it ever since), and so I'm living vicariously through you now. Loving the videos--I showed one of my friends I went to Paris with and we both whined for an hour afterward.

So glad you enjoyed fashion week! I remember seeing the most ridiculous characters around the city that week.

As for discovering French fashion...have you been to this store called Kiliwatch yet? It was one of my favoriteeee places--amazing vintage stuff, really affordable prices on boots, gloves, etc...things you will need asap! I got the most adorable handbag there, and it was just stolen in NYC this summer...very sad. But yeah, it's on Rue Etienne Marcel...right off of Montorgueil ( i think?) by the Sentier metro. Check it out!!
