Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Techno Parade/ Normany video

Salut mes amis!
I know, I know, I'm really behind on these videos. So here is a quick one: Tecktonik/the Techno Parade/weekend in Normandy, all rolled into one. But it's short, I promise. These things happened last month, for crying out loud, so it was important that I get them up (so that's why they're really crappy). It would've taken me like 30 minutes to make this little video, but my computer has been going PSYCHO on me lately (in several ways), and Windows Movie Maker crashed 3 times on me last night. I hate you, windows movie maker. I also hate facebook, who only lets me upload photos 2 at a time. For the past month, it hasn't let me upload photos, so I've tried that simple upload thing... and that didn't work either. I figured out that I could only put about 2 photos on simple uploader for it to work.

Enough ranting: here's the video

now back to my piles of homework for Migration and Globalization class tomorrow!

and sorry I sound like I'm complaining so much here. I'm just stressed because I only discovered today that I had piles of homework. fun times. still, life is wonderful and I love you all :)

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