Before you view it, please note that I've realized that it's really just something that will make me happy when I look back on it. For the rest of you, I know you're going to think that it's too long, and it's a piece of crap. Here are some explanations so I can defend the crappiness of video #1:
1) the footage is all from my digicam, and I had no idea what I was doing while filming it. I don't claim to be a filmmaker, but I hope to improve as the year goes on.
2)I used Window's Movie Maker (ugh) to edit it yesterday, the day before I'm leaving (TODAY!!!), which was obviously a stupid idea because I was doing a ton of things at the same time to prepare to leave.
3) I have never used Window's Movie Maker before, and I'm not a fan...
4) I am not a patient person... and so I got tired of editing after many hours
5) I had way too much video to work with.
What I have learned: make video blogs more often so they aren't as long and don't frustrate me as much.
With all that said, here is video blog number one. Please enjoy, and please post some (reasonable) suggestions for how I can make them better in the future.
if you cannot see the video, find me on youtube. My username is sailormmmvj.
On another note, last night Maya put together a surprise going away party for me, at her house. My parents were even in on this-- they bought a cake! Just wanted to say thank you SO MUCH to Maya and whoever else helped plan this, and thank you to everyone who came and cheered me up. Just further proof that I have the best friends in the world.

oh my gosh you funny girl i love you.
I bothered to punctuate at the end.
Clearly I work with young people, and I apologize if I offend your Wellesley proper spelling/grammar/diction sensibilities.
GROS BISOUS! Et amuse-toi bien! Etudie un peu, eh?
Orly...I know this is not what you want to hear, but I can´t get sound on your video blog! I´m positive it has something to do with the computer I´m using (my host family´s in Ecuador) so as soon as I figure it out, I will watch every second!
That said, I think this is a great idea. Definitely will liven up my day. :) I can´t wait to hear of your year...ooh this is so exciting! Being abroad is quite a trip, huh? Looking forward to your little video interludes.
very cute! i'm sad i only saw you once before you left but c'est la vie.
i miss you and i love you and i wish you the best of luck
OK, no hay problema. Sound works. I was highly entertained. I can't wait to see more! Buena suerte amiga!
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